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If my style is right for you, i can make you anything!

I got over 15 years experience with creating melodies,

I learned music production back in 2005, and with a real slow learning curve i slowly learned how to use computer software to project the melodies i had in my head over to the desktop speaker.

The technical part of understanding complicated computer software in times where youtube tutorials belonged to the future was more of a challenge than creating the actual music, cause it is first created with the flow of creativity in your head.

That combined with inspirations, nostalgia, strong memories and emotional energy.


As i grew up in a very musical family, i was one of the few childs that got into computers instead of an instrument, which creates a problem when you have the "composer" within you without an instrument to express it.


As i got into electronic music productions, i produced well over 400 tracks as a hobbyist over the 15 years, shared all over internet, remixed by others and inspiring new producers.


But the bittersweet truth all along was that i had a childhood filled with videogames, mostly from Japanese developers in the era or NES, SNES and n64.
This ofcourse had a huge impact on my music which happened to make most of my melodies stand out from the other western producers because it had such an oriental touch to it.
I always insisted that Japanese music composers create the best melodies in the entire universe for videogame, at least back then.

But that is maybe just cause it has such a strong nostalgia on me now.


So creating electronic music with an oriental touch to the melodies for western audience was maybe the reason why i sounded a bit unique.

As just being a hobbyist producer over the years but always had inspiration from videogame music, why shouldnt i just start doing what i should have done long ago.


15 years, over 400 tracks spread over the internet's deep corners, always given away for free.


Its time to be usefull!



If my style is right for you, i can make you anything!

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